How To Make The Most Of Apartment Living In London

Find out practical tips to boost your London apartment living experience, from handy tips on storage, to methods for creating your own green oasis without a garden.

More than half of the households in London live in a flat, maisonette or apartment, which equates to around 1.8 million people. This is a much higher percentage of people living in this kind of dwelling compared to any other region in England.

Apartment living presents unique challenges, and exciting opportunities. In such an incredible, vibrant city, space is precious and it is so important to make the most of every square foot you’re paying for. In this guide we will help you to make the most of your apartment living space in London. Whether you’re snuggled up in a cosy studio flat, or living it up in a penthouse, we are here to help you unlock the potential of your space:

apartment living in London

Space Optimisation With Local London Self Storage

Living in London in an apartment often means dealing with a restricted amount of square footage, with the median size of a flat in London being just 62 metres. Self storage can be such a helping hand in this instance. Seasonal items, large bulky items, sentimental items, bikes – whatever you do not need instant access to can go in local London self storage, giving you the ability to make the most of every inch of your apartment.

Blooms In A Balcony: Creating Your Urban Garden

By 2050 it is thought that nearly 70% of the population will live in cities. For that reason, many scientists are pushing for more green spaces within those cities to benefit the environment, and the global community in general. What we can do to boost our apartment living experience, and contribute to creating more green space in the city, is to create an urban garden. Even with the most compact of spaces you can create a fantastic container garden, potentially growing your own fruits, veggies and herbs, all whilst you support the local ecosystem, the planet and your own mental health.

Space Savvy Furniture & Organisation

When you live in a small apartment it is essential that you consider every single item you choose to have in that space. Minimalism works so well in this instance, because it encourages you to keep clutter down, and ensure every piece of furniture you have is there for a specific purpose, or purposes.

Sofas with hidden storage, tables that fold out, hinged work desks – every clever piece of furniture you have ever seen is now up for consideration in this space.

Tiny House Nation is a really great series to tuck into for some truly innovative inspiration. The more organised and savvy you are with your stuff, the better able you are to enjoy using your apartment day to day.

Bringing Personality To Your Space

Your apartment isn’t just the sum of its parts, it can reflect your lifestyle, personality and style. In what can be a lonely city, this should be the place you feel safe and can truly call home.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with colour and space-saving decorations that bring your unique personality into the property. Art is an excellent option because it is minimal in the space it takes up, and can go anywhere. Another great option is soft furnishings. One beautiful throw can be a centrepiece and is easily folded away or switched for the latest style at minimal cost.

Another space saving way to add your own feel to the place is with scent and lighting. Dimmer switches, recessed lighting, scent scapes for different times of the day or different zones – they can transform an apartment easily without crowding the place with physical items.

Community Living: An Underestimated Benefit Of An Apartment Block

London apartment buildings often come with the benefit of living amongst an instant community. It can be easier to get to know neighbours because you are all living in closer proximity than if you lived on a road with houses. It is easy to say hi to neighbours and make connections.

Additionally, some apartment spaces have communal areas like gyms, garden areas and amenities. This can be very social, and add an extra layer to apartment living you didn’t expect. So many people can feel lonely living in London, so the community you may become part of in your building could act as a ready made friendship group, which is wonderful.

Decluttering: An Essential Habit

Making the most of apartment living means being much less of a consumer, and much more of a declutterer. We mentioned minimalist living above, and part of that is getting used to letting go of things you don’t need, or want any more. You’ll need to consume less to give yourself less to declutter. With the items you do have, you should ensure they always have purpose, and be ruthless in letting them go when they no longer are needed.

If you find certain areas get cluttered despite your decluttering efforts, the problem lies in the functionality of that area. Marie Kondo focuses on this often in her Netflix series. Areas like where the kids play, or the kitchen, can become very cluttered even if they are tended to. In this case, you have to change the functionality by adding better storage or cleaning systems, and potentially reducing how many items move through that area so that the space no longer becomes a blockage for your things. If the functionality is improved, you will find that clutter does not build up in that space any more.

London Apartment Living: Your Compact Inner-City Utopia

In the heart of England’s exciting, vibrant capital, your apartment is your cosy, comfy safe haven. Your escape from this ever-moving concrete jungle. With the tips above you can nurture it into the perfect oasis, making it so much more than the square footage you pay for, and instead, a beautiful aspect of the lifestyle you enjoy as part of your busy London life.

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