Your bedroom is one of the essential rooms in your house. It is the place where you spend most of the time when you want to find peace, take a rest, or be on your own. So, it is no wonder you want your bedroom to be your sanctuary and escape from the real world. Unfortunately, the reality is often very different. Even though you want your bedroom to be peaceful, you often take your work and worries there. Sometimes you can’t even get a good night’s sleep in your bedroom, let alone do other relaxing activities. So, what can you do? It may seem surprising, but the look of your bedroom dramatically impacts your feelings when you are in there. If you want it to be your safe place, read about how to make your bedroom more relaxing.

Find the right bed

When we say “find the right bed,” we don’t mean just the appropriate size and the shape. Of course, those things are also important. The bed takes up most of the space in your bedroom, and it is probably the first item you see when you get in. For these reasons, having a nicely-looking bed can make your bedroom look more pleasant and personal. But, if you want your bedroom to feel more relaxing, you have to be able to have some rest and get a good night’s sleep there. To do so, your bed must feel cozy and secure. So, what is even more important is to have a comfortable bed.

Cozy bed with pillows near a window in a house

Having the right bed is crucial for your health also. You won’t be able to find your bedroom relaxing if you have back problems and your spine always hurts. We in All Things Decor know that comfort and quality are indeed pricey. Nevertheless, if you intend to lead a healthy life and if you want to go to your bedroom to find peace, it’s worth it. The best decision you can make is to consult professionals in the store. Explain to them what you want and what shape and size you need. This is the first step towards making your bedroom more relaxing.

Make your bedroom more relaxing by removing clutter

When your bedroom is chaotic, there will be chaos in your head too. There is no way your bedroom can be relaxing if you have clothes, papers, and shoes scattered all around the floor. You have to keep your bedroom neat and organized. Things you need to keep out of your bedroom include:

  • the old clothes,
  • dirty clothes,
  • useless ornaments,
  • and things that don’t belong there (children’s toys or dirty dishes and cups, for example).

Find a way to store all of your items nicely. With the closet organization tips and tricks, separate your seasonal clothes and sort all of your items, such as bed sheets. If you have a closet, it will be easy to make this happen.

Try keeping your work out of the bedroom

Don’t take your work into your bedroom if at all possible. Of course, there is no way that you spend your time at home without thinking of work at all. But, at least leave it out of your bedroom. Try finishing everything before you get to the bedroom. The most important thing is not to have a desk here. If you do, even when you are not working, you will subconsciously think about it. So, make sure you don’t have to look at your workstation while trying to relax. If you have to make a home office, and your bedroom is the only room in the house fit for that, try some options for a bedroom/office that won’t disturb your inner peace while trying to relax. There are ways to make walls from the shelves. You can also put curtains to separate your working and sleeping space.

Plants on a White Wooden Bookshelf

Add some plants

Adding some plants will make your bedroom more relaxing, but it will also look better. Herbs such as lavender and jasmine are known for their calming effects. You can even match the color of the plants and flowers with the rest of your bedroom. It will make you more relaxed. Even if you don’t have much money to change the items in your bedroom, plants are a great way to update your bedroom on a budget. You can bring fresh flowers now and then, too. The pleasant and soothing scents they have can also help make you calm.

Use essential oils and scented candles

Having essential oils or scented candles is another method to turn your bedroom into a place for relaxation. Like plants, natural smells like lavender, which include aromatherapy components, have been scientifically proven to help you fall asleep more quickly, so it’s worth a try if you’re having difficulties sleeping.

Two Clear Glass Bottles With Essential Oils

Turn off the electronics

While slow music from the radio can be relaxing, it is advisable not to use other electronic devices in your bedroom. Listening to a loud TV or looking at the phone screen for too long won’t help you relax—quite the opposite. You probably have a lot of noise and screen time during the day. Avoid that before your sleep time and read a book instead.

Green and blue walls make the bedroom more relaxing

Blue is one of the most calming colors on the spectrum. Just looking at something blue can make us more relaxed. So, having blue walls, which we can associate with the ocean or the sky, will make us tranquil. Following that, deep green is also the color of nature, and it creates a feeling of calmness.

Let the fresh air in

Letting some fresh air flow through your bedroom is crucial. Experts say it is better to sleep in a cold than a heated room. So, opening your windows before you go to sleep and doing so the first thing in the morning will have a lot of benefits. There is nothing more calming than breathing deeply.

It’s easy to relax with these tricks

As you can see, there are some easy and effective ways to make your bedroom more relaxing. You can do most of them right away. The others, such as buying a new bed, might require some time and effort. Nevertheless, your bedroom will soon become your favorite place if you start even with the smallest changes.

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