All Things Decor Blog

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The Hassles of Moving House

Many reports indicate that moving, just like other major life events such as divorce, illness, or job loss, causes a lot of people to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Even if you plan to hire a mover to take care of the basic moving tasks like packing and transporting your belongings, you still have to go through the hassle of settling down in a new home. Moving doesn’t always have to be troublesome or stressful. In fact, if you plan ahead and follow a few simple but essential tips and tricks, it can be downright easy and stress free. If you want to make sure that your precious wedding china and expensive photo frames do not get damaged during moving, take care to buy the right boxes for your needs and ensure that they are clearly marked “fragile” and “this side up”. If you are interested in more such useful moving precautions, facts, and tips, don’t forget to check out this infographic…

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Why Tiles Are Eco-Friendly

People concerned about their environment often ask if tiling their floors or walls in their home is an eco-friendly choice. It is perhaps understandable that this question is asked so often as it is difficult to know whether a manufactured product is good or bad for the environment and when it comes to natural stone tiles, the product might be natural but what about the process to extract the natural stone and make it into tiles?

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The 5 Types of Wall Paint and How to Pick The Right One

Choosing the ideal colour for your walls is not the only thing you need to consider when deciding what paint to use. With such a wide variety of products out there, it can be confusing and difficult to pick the right one for your project. The type of paint is just as important as the colour and can have a huge impact on the character of the room. To avoid potentially time-consuming and expensive mistakes, read on to find out about each type of paint.

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A Clutter-Free Home is a Stress-Free Home

Many of us live and work in environments full of belongings that we no longer use or need but are reluctant to part with. There are some people who find it easy to clear out unused possessions and live a minimalist lifestyle but the majority of us cling to items for often, long-forgotten, sentimental reasons. We make excuses about how an item might one day come in useful, but, in truth, we just can’t bear to get rid of our “stuff”.

Not only do we want to hang on to old belongings but we are accumulating new things all the time and eventually the storage in our homes just will not cope any more. An important element for people buying new houses these days is how much storage there is. Built-in storage almost always features in new homes of all sizes and a buyer would expect there to be sufficient storage for their possessions, but just how much storage is sufficient? And even though moving home would seem to be an ideal opportunity to clear out all the old junk, this doesn’t always happen.

But can living amongst clutter really add stress to already busy lives and, more importantly, can clearing out that clutter reduce our stress?

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What Type of Flooring Should You Select for Your Kitchen Remodel?

When you’re remodeling your kitchen, you have a lot of choices to make, and those choices aren’t cheap. You want to get the best value for your money, but you also want to stay within your budget. When it comes to selecting a floor type for your kitchen, it can be one of the toughest decisions to make. You have to factor in everything from price to practicality to style.

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Fixing Bathroom Tiles – Part 1

I don’t know whether it was good fortune or bad fortune when I recently moved house and bought a 1960’s house with a turquoise bathroom – some might say, at least it wasn’t avocado...